FashionTouri Blog
FashionTouri GOLDIES
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Just because it’s the place everyone goes, doesn’t mean it’s the best
More often than not, locals will avoid the places tourists hang around in. The same thing can be said for all the popular shopping streets. In Vienna the best example for this is Kärntner Straße, where shopping is allegedly “ever so wonderful”. Rookie mistake, my dears! You won’t find any quaint, cool shops, but rather the big players like Zara and Co on this road. Now that Mariahilfer Straße has also become very popular among foreign tourists, you will have to switch to smaller streets, such as the one I would like to introduce you to today. Written by Tabea-Marie Widmann
¡Hola a todos!
Who knew that Madrid, besides being the Spanish capital, was the cultural capital of Europe in 1992-a fun fact many of you probably weren’t aware of, although this comes as no surprise when looking at the magnificent cultural attractions this city has to offer. On top of that Madrid has a reputation for being a student’s city, as well as being a city for footballers thanks to Atlético and Real Madrid. In addition, it represents a trading and finance center for Spain. As you can see this city is so multifaceted and different making it quite hard to discover everything about it in just a few days. However I do hope that these FashionTouri-Highlights will make your stay more memorable and ensure that you can see as much as possible. Written by Tabea-Marie Widmann
City trip to the fashion metropolis Berlin
Those of you who have been to Berlin know that the capital is not only at the forefront of sustainable fashion and urban lifestyle, but also has many different sights to offer. So many that it would be impossible to visit all of them during just one stay. Furthermore, due to the abundance of small, local fashion labels, it is difficult to keep track. That’s why you will find some suggestions and insider tips for your next trip to Berlin in this post. Written by: Anna Flaschberger
Viennese Culture & Chic Français - Shopping Tour through "Little Paris"
A short walk through the 9th district of Vienna and someone’s not quite sure if he / she is still in Vienna. The small alleys with its exclusive shops remind of the capital city of France and offer a quiet shopping experience. Edited by Konstanze Pawlik
Vienna Vintage Tour - Shopping with a clean conscience
Fabrics, patterns and cuts from days past are not only in vogue again, but also contribute to protecting our environment. That being said, sustainable fashion comes at a price: Second-hand-shoppers often need to spend more time and money on finding their clothes. Read here, how you can visit Vienna's best vintage shops, in spite of time pressure, and even admire some sights on your way. A contribution by Anna Flaschberger
“Many people do not know what wonderful things exist out there“
At first Ronja Scherzinger had a passion for fashion, then she discovered her love for travelling. Eventually this resulted in an idea for the start-up "FashionTouri". In this interview, Ronja openly and honestly shares how it evolved from the initial idea to her own company. Edited by Paloma Pöltinger